Annunciation. “The Afternoon Meal”…by Evert Pieters. Annunciation. ’Twas a given, that righteous annunciation from time immemorial be, That women would be the child bearers, men provide for their security, Such is the scheme of the natural world, that no man nor woman may despoil, But there comes a middle-class of opportunists that demand change, Calling that women must abandon their right to prioritise children born, Instead embrace that class’s command, to make career first-childbirth forlorn. Who gave permission to that class to dictate personal opinion, As if it was from some “divine” diction ordained upon middle-class instruction, Just to enable them to capitalise on a cheap labour solution, Such speculators to swindle the working classes with promise of “riches”, From such employment to guarantee wages equal to King’s ransom, Earned by labouring overtime as checkout chick or domestic cleaners. This is the only promise those liars and opport...
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My Lover’s Eyes. My Lover’s Eyes. ’Tis the last time in this world I’ll see, my lover’s eyes loving me, The last time gently feel, her warming hands caressing thrill, The last time her breath whispers many sweet nothings into my ear, The last, soft touch of her hand, lay upon my breast so dear. For time has commanded with the coming of an age, For our moment of passion be left, discarded, upon life’s stage. For what needs be done, best be swiftly made, Linger not over the pain of lost and parted indefinitely, As, my love, these aged eyes can still weep profusely, At the inevitable, regretful, loss of thee, And time hath but scant regard dispassionately, In what becomes of the love that passed between you and me.
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Four interesting “Chats” w/ the AI platform: ChatGPT (Re-post). Here is an interesting chat I had with the Ai interaction platform; “ ChatGPT”. N.B. : This is a re-post because I felt with all the hysteria over AI as the new “miracle program” of the ages and indeed, well into the future that is come to save humanity from..most probably..themselves, I thought it proper to re-post this series of “chats” I had with the platform. (Keep in mind here that I am NOT in any way in competition with “machine intelligence”, but rather trying to show that all the hype surrounding Ai and how it will dominate interactions is little more than another form of corporate propaganda to sell a product and / or to reinforce a preferred social ideology). Hello! How can I help you? How does one profit from an unstable market? Profiting from an unstable market requires a combination of knowledge, strategy, and risk management. While it can be challeng...
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Shintaro the Samurai. Back after the introduction of television when we were youngsters, there was a plethora of “B Grade” tele-series from the USA centering around Cowboys and Indians or War adventures…Like; The Texas Rangers, Roy Rogers, etc in the former genre, or “Combat” in the latter. WE kids used to pick a side we wanted to represent and then set about ambushing the others with whoops and yelps as we dove about the bushes and buildings of the old quarry where we played most of these games. But a strange thing happened..almost overnight with the sudden appearance of a Japanese series of heroic warrior called ; “Shintaro..The Samurai” and our game of choice switched from the American adventures to the more oriental and exotic Japanese series. This included the casting away of the mock rifles and Tommy guns in exchange for quite individualistic wooden swords, cut from a conveniently shaped branch of the many wild oleander bushes that dotted ...
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The Final Solution. ( A Philosopher Lecturing on the Orrery.) The Final Solution. Of course we have to accept the solution, Chosen for us by that enlightened elitism, Of a vastly superior, educated coalition, That all things are equal in an interchangefull, World of social inclusion. Which means, in their shorthand version, To give credit to their postmodernist vision, Of a new world order of social engineering, That our cherished identities are now void of meaning, And interchangeable, as per deeming! To callously overturn in one generation, So many Millennia of social evolution, So now we have : Trans-gender, Trans-ethnicity, Trans-spirituality, being of the divine or the necessity, Trans-sexuality, Trans-religiosity, being of orthodox or self-actuality, Trans-ideology, Trans-poverty, being indebted to rapacious banking criminality. In short, take or make what you wish, From the new “progressive” absurdity, That has created in The ...
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The Third Alternative part two. Our house is situated on the side of a hill, almost at the summit. Behind us, pine dark peaks, with their springs and cold, narrow streams, march heavenwards. Below are enclosed fields, and the tarn which supports water fowl and flocks of ducks; beyond, the bare slope with its solitary almond tree where we bury the dead from Clach Thoul. More dead than living come to us, and Hagraade, the sewer, dilingently stitches shrouds for them, and when they have been lain in their rough earthen holes, Dubricius sprinkles a little holy water on the turned up soil, so that those beneath do not lie on unsanctified ground. And though no stone marks the place where each soul sleeps, I like to think they are peacefully there, on that quiet hillside, with the grass growing green in the winter, and the gentle wind blowing through the almond’s branches when the summer comes around again. Aviv drove th...