The problem with romantic poetry.

A while back, I went through a period when I was enthralled with the writing of romantic poetry..not so much about earth, fire or water, I mean not about my natural surroundings, nor about pastoral subjects, but purely about women..or Ladies (with a capital "L") that both intrigued me and captured my admiration...for either their beauty or their fiesty behaviour.
As a male, I cannot think of anything more captivating as subject matter than idly observing those personal delights. Most of the women I wrote about were in no way closely connected to myself, but they were in my sphere of movement, so I had occasion to mark down certain idiosyncracies that I found interesting. Of course, then there are the memories of youthful love affairs..good or not so good that I have reflected upon and drawn conclusion about and wrote about..and sometimes just the pure beauty of an historical person was enough.
But the strange thing is that these times do not seem conducive to such romantic salutations or condemnations and I find that when I place such pieces on my Facebook page, or on "X", there comes a feeling of shying away from liking or commentary of the pieces...and an awful silence follows, like such words or erotica are now taboo in this age of gender conflict..indeed, to admire form or personality of certain women is to draw the narrowing of eye and hissing of breath pertaining to a threatening or stalking attitude..even from a literature point of view..are we become so wary, so threatened, gender to gender, that we make best to avoid entertaining idle flattery and judicious observation of the enduring beauty of grown women...of all ages ascending to even old age?
I recently placed this piece, which is part of a longer six part, sixty numbered stanzas poem of a man's (not altogether myself, though I crtainly was in there somewhere!) description of a relationship..and I could distinctly "feel" a certain public shying away from even admitting the poetic validation of the I took it down lest it be grubbied by the mob....but please tell me ; what say you of its merit and/or as a representation of "romantic poetry" in the classical sense?
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