The Final Solution.

( A Philosopher Lecturing on the Orrery.)
The Final Solution.
Of course we have to accept the solution,
Chosen for us by that enlightened elitism,
Of a vastly superior, educated coalition,
That all things are equal in an interchangefull,
World of social inclusion.
Which means, in their shorthand version,
To give credit to their postmodernist vision,
Of a new world order of social engineering,
That our cherished identities are now void of meaning,
And interchangeable, as per deeming!
To callously overturn in one generation,
So many Millennia of social evolution,
So now we have :
Trans-spirituality, being of the divine or the necessity,
Trans-religiosity, being of orthodox or self-actuality,
Trans-poverty, being indebted to rapacious banking criminality.
In short, take or make what you wish,
From the new “progressive” absurdity,
That has created in The West such perversity,
Of social free-wheeling permissivness,
To leave so little left to achieve consensus,
And agreeance we have manufactured common-senses,
That only leaves one deed to face defenceless,
And those, my fellow travellers, are the consequences.
Do we feel lucky?
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