
“The Afternoon Meal”…by Evert Pieters.


’Twas once a given, that righteous annunciation from time immemorial be,
Women, if they wish, child bearers would be , men provide for their security,
Such is the scheme of the natural world, that no man nor woman ought despoil,
But there comes this middle-class of opportunists that demand change,
Calling for women to abandon their right of prioritise children born,
Instead embrace that class’s command, to make career first-childbirth forlorn.

Who gave permission to that class to dictate personal opinion,
As if it was from some “divine” diction ordained upon middle-class instruction,
Just to enable some to capitalise on a cheap labour option,
Such speculators to swindle the working families with promise of “riches”,
From such employment to guarantee wages equal to Croesus’ treasures,
Earned by doing overtime as checkout chick or domestic cleaners.

This is the only promise those liars and opportunists can deliver,
Using cunning language instilled from their private school mentors,
That the parents can afford from similar past accrued riches,
Following a long, long line of middle class crooks and swindlers,
Claiming to be the best of friends and working people assisters,
Proclaiming that personal denial of children is a career enhancer.

“Career, career!” the mantra chant from lips of barren, middle class slavers,
With figures ‘at hand’ from a statisticians’ survey, calculated from “average wages”,
Of the highest paid slaves serving their bourgeois masters,
While those same opportunist owners raise the cost of living faster,
Than can be afforded from such “fantastic” wages,
Forcing workers to take more jobs, work harder, longer, for pay-master.

Such is the profanity given as promise in a blasphemy against humanity,
The core and foundation of blind, egregious, bourgeois philosophy,
Delivered from pulpit, from senate lectern with a tone of gratuitous flattery,
Of course there IS a condition assigned by force and circumstance,
That demands disgraceful compliance of workers servility,
Of endless obeyance to their creed of cursed materiality.

Making mockery of the once honest work of crofters and crafters,
Scorning the raising and feeding of the child as like cow milking,
Persuading young couples to delay any offspring,
To an older age when money and career is more entreating,
Till the mistake is learned that nature favours not older childbearing,
And the women are left barren or reduced to surrogate pleading.

No..No..heed not those double-speak speculators with their “Gordian Knot”,
Of un-natural adherence to a philosophy of grab what can be got!
Cursing others who want family instead, as not being equal, deserving their lot,
Women perchance, could child-bearers be, with men to supply for their security,
Such is the scheme of the natural world, that NO class of society may contrary,
’Twas always a given, this righteous annunciation from time immemorial.


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